vendredi 14 décembre 2007

Utiliser tput et terminfo (2)

Un exemple d'utilisation avancée des fonctionnalités de tput et terminfo.

# save your prompt
# set the prompt to blank
# save the number of colums of the terminal
COLUMNS=$(tput cols)
# save the number of lines of the terminal
LINES=$(tput lines)
# set the message you want to display (here it's "hello I am at the center of the term")
message="coucou je suis au milieu du terminal"
# get the horizontal position to center your text
hpos=$(expr $LINES / 2)
# get the vertical position to center your text
vpos=$(expr \( $COLUMNS - $(echo "$message" | wc -c) \) / 2)
# move the cursor to that position
tput cup $hpos $vpos
# enter in reverse video mode
tput rev
# display the message
echo "$message"
# wait for 3 second to see the message
sleep 3
# recall your default prompt
# reset all terminal settings
tput sgr0
# clear the screen
tput clear

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